Dispensary Shop Seller

3 months ago

เกาะสมย สราษฎรธาน, Thailand Akashi Life Company Limited Full time

**น้าที่ความรับผิดชอบ **:R

"Smoky" dispensary shop is looking for a seller


- orking with the POS system
- ommunication with customers and their consulting, upsale
- reparation of smoking products
- nforming the manager about the current product range
- eeping the store clean and tidy
- rdering the necessary accessories for the store


- illingness to work at 2 shop points, working hours from 18:00-02:00, days off Tue and Thu
- ociability and friendliness
- xperience in the field of sales
- ustomer care
- luent English

ALARY: 18,000 + sales commission + food compensation 100 baht/day (for the duration of the probation salary is 800 baht/day) ส

**มัครงานติดต่อ **V**:

- ictoriaE