![Expertise France](https://media.trabajo.org/img/noimg.jpg)
Expert.e Clé.e
3 weeks ago
Expertise France is the public agency for designing and implementing international technical cooperation projects. The agency operates around four key priorities:
- democratic, economic, and financial governance ;
- peace, stability, and security ;
- climate, agriculture, and sustainable development ;
- health and human development ;
In these areas, Expertise France conducts capacity-building initiatives and manages project implementation, leveraging technical expertise and acting as a project coordinator. This involves combining public sector expertise with private sector skills to drive impactful results.
Under the technical direction of the Strategic Director and in direct relation with the Field Project Manager and Expertise France’s headquarters, the Cyber Security Thematic Coordinator (CYBER TC) is responsible for the Cyber Security thematic area of the ESIWA + project.
The CYBER TC is responsible for updating and implementing a strategy and action plan in relation to the objectives of the ESIWA + project, while implementing activities and leading missions in line with the action plan.
- Reviewing the Cyber Security thematic area strategy, drafting a Cyber Security quarterly work plans per country and for transversal/regional activities, a monthly activity report, and participating to a bi-monthly activity meeting with the Project Coordinator and the Project Co-Director;
- Engaging in regular exchanges with cyber security administrations in EU Member States and partner countries, as well as regional entities related to Cyber Security
- Mapping on-going projects and initiatives in partner countries related to Cyber Security;
- Identifying opportunities of collaboration in each partner country
- Engaging in regular exchange with EU Delegations, European External Action Service when technical meetings, European agencies and other international partners;
- Engaging in regular exchanges with the GIZ project team, in particular regarding Crisis Management/Addressing hybrid threats component to ensure synergies and harmonisation;
- Putting forward new activities to the Strategic -Director and the Field Project Manager
- Coordinating and organising activities implemented under the Cyber Security thematic area, including public diplomacy actions with partner countries, EU Delegations, logistics partners; and short term experts, etc.;
- Producing and ensuring timely validation by the EU of the required reports, and technical deliverables related to Cyber Security thematic areas (monthly reports, concept notes, activity reports, contribution to the project progress reports, etc.);
- Identifying, managing and supporting short-term experts in implementing activities in a timely manner and according to the objectives identified in coordination with the Project Coordinator and EF headquarters;
- Providing inputs and advice to the Project Director for the overall reporting and strategy;
- Taking part in relevant project activities which could be part of others thematic and transversal areas;
- Supporting in the preparation of the Steering Committee meetings and other relevant meetings requested by the Project Director, the Project Coordinator or Expertise France HQ.
**Title of the project** : Enhancing security cooperation in and with Asia and the Indo-Pacific (ESIWA+)
Designed to strengthen the EU’s security engagement in Asia and the Indo-Pacific by supporting tailor-made cooperation with an initial set of nine pilot countries (**India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Republic of Korea, Thailand and Vietnam**), the project aims to support deeper and more operational security dialogues with partner countries, promote greater convergence between policies and practices of the EU and the partner countries and Increase international awareness and acknowledgement of the EU as a security provider.
This 3 year project will be implemented in co-direction by GIZ and Expertise France, with a team of Key Experts (2 co-director, one EF and one GIZ, and thematic coordinators, for each area**:Countering terrorism and preventing/countering violent extremism**, **Crisis management/ addressing hybrid threats,** **Cyber security** **and Maritime security**). Expertise France leads the cybersecurity and maritime security thematic areas.
Short term expertise is also foreseen to strengthen the permanent team.
In each of the 4 thematic areas of intervention, activities will be implemented under three components which are inter-related:
- ** Support to Policy Dialogue**: to support the European Union’s political, security and defence policy dialogues with partner countries and relevant regional fora in Asia and the Indo-Pacific;
- **Cooperation and Capacity building**: to support operational cooperation on security and defence between the European Union and partners in Asia and the Indo-Pacific
- **Public Diplomacy**: to increase awareness in Asia and the Indo
Expert.e Clé.e
3 weeks ago
กรุงเทพมหานคร, Thailand Expertise France Full timeExpertise France is the public agency of French international technical cooperation. The agency operates around four priorities: - democratic, economic and financial governance; - security and stability of countries in crisis/post-crisis situations; - sustainable development; - strengthening health systems, social protection and employment. In these areas,...